Lightning in a Bottle

Nicole Archer

How do you describe a product that has been referred to as “Lightening in a Bottle?” The AWL Product is an Experience?  Or is the Experience the Product?

The first definition of a Product on is: “an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.” Let’s start there.

AWL (The Bloombase Experience for Advanced Women Leaders) is an experience that spans a six-month period with like-leaders learning, developing and evolving in a space that holds vulnerability, safety and growth…not always comfortable. A spoon full of sugar sometimes necessary. That is a Mary Poppins reference for those born outside of the 1900’s.  There should be a warning label though; “Side effects may include uncontrollable laughing, uncontrollable crying, addiction to those in the cohort and a strong desire to Be More You.”

How is this accomplished? The presentation of and participation in patented (literally) exercises shown through data and research to result in holistic change in the individual. Thereby providing evolved clarity and confidence in who you are as a leader, parent, spouse, partner, sibling and human. You will gain an increased awareness of how you show up and the choices around it. You name your values and identify what compromises them, especially when interfering with our balance moving forward.  We learn to learn more effectively. We learn how to manage healthy balances in all aspects of our lives and work out real-life challenges in role-plays.  That is about as fun as it sounds. Then we manifest what we will have in our futures.

The impacts of this regimen were mine to own and it started with an open mind and open heart to learn, listen and look within.   

A second definition on is: a “a quantity obtained by multiplying quantities together, or from an analogous algebraic operation.”

So here is the magic – not only are the facilitators skilled at developing customized curriculum to meet the cohort where it is, or whatever life on this earth is dumping, but the application of exercises that opens everyone in the room (virtual or person) to the dynamic needs of our multiplied quantities. No two cohorts are alike. I came from a male-dominated industry with male-dominated skills and truly didn’t understand the impact of a space I had not experienced before. While I was in a cohort of senior women leader’s, the Bloombase model can be applied to teams, gender identities, and roles within the organization.

The final definition to share is: “a thing or person that is the result of an action or process.”

While the world, the system of beliefs and structures within our worlds are a result of the actions and processes to date, mine included, I am now part of “the change I wish to see in the world.” 

Therefore, due to the product of AWL refined by Bloombase and combined with other like entities, I am the product. I am Lightning in a Bottle.


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