AWL Alumni Spotlight
Rebecca Mankowski
“I am more confident with the team that I lead and I have tools to help me make better choices.”
Meet Rebecca
Deputy Director, Center for Rural Engagement
Indiana University
We asked Rebecca a series of questions to get to know her better.
Here are her responses…
Describe the six months you spent in the Bloombase experience for Advanced Women Leaders.
The AWL experience transformed how I think about being a leader and has allowed me to be more intentional in my leadership. It provided me with a safe space to be vulnerable with other women leaders. As an outgoing introvert who can struggle to answer in the moment, I appreciated the chance to connect with others and practice hard scenarios in this safe space.
Describe the benefits of the AWL experience.
I am more confident with the team that I lead and I have tools to help me make better decisions. I have always believed in balance, but AWL provided me with the research to back up my lived experience - you need to be a whole person in order to be an effective leader.
Describe the benefits of being a part of the post AWL community.
I know that I have other women who I can turn to when I need help or to practice a hard conversation.
What did you get out of the Executive Coaching sessions?
The coaching has provided me with a safe place where I can be completely honest and practice hard conversations. The sessions provide me with a place to reflect, something that I don’t always take time for on my own. My coach reminds me to be a be a learner, not a judger and to dig below the surface with my teammates.
What would you say to someone else considering this experience?
Do it and don’t wait. I wish I had learned more of the content and skills ten years ago.
What was it about AWL that made you feel you had an ROI from the experience?
I am more confident in my leadership and better equipped to get to the bottom of hard situations.
I feel like I am fulfilling my purpose when… I am using my talents to help others.
My favorite way to spend an afternoon by myself is... swimming in an outdoor pool.
What gets you out of bed in the morning? My chickens.
To me, leadership is… inspiring others to do their very best.
Something that makes my life ridiculously fun is... the times when my teenage son allows me to be silly with him.
The value/behavior that is most important to me is... honesty.