Aneatria Faith Bailey



Executive Coach

Aneatria Faith Bailey is an Executive Coach in Training with Bloombase, supporting organizations who desire to break down barriers and activate a cultural transformation within the system, working with teams to guide and equip them with everything they need to perform at the next level, and coaching individuals to look within to find the strength, capacity, and solutions to grow in a way that is most meaningful for them.


Aneatria’s purpose in life is to inspire women to cultivate their successes, and redefine their trauma, failures, and pain to find and fulfill their extraordinary God-given purpose!  She is committed to helping women of all backgrounds achieve this goal, as women hold so much power and influence in their families, homes, communities, churches, and places of work, to change the systemic issues that oppress them, and so many others, from reaching their full potential.

Aneatria does this by creating safe spaces with Bloombase, such as the Triple A Series or AAA (Acknowledgement, Awareness, and Action), for women to ask seemingly naïve questions to help them understand the systemic constructs they face, and offer them an opportunity to learn, grow, and act with intention to break down the barriers around them. She has also been instrumental with co-creating the podcast series, Power TO Fight Forward for the Bloombase Power TO podcast. The podcast offers informative dialog where she and her mother, Dr. Vanessa Allen-McCloud, share their journey as Black women in America, the obstacles they’ve overcome, lessons they’ve learned and growth they’ve experienced along the way.   

In addition to her work with Bloombase, Aneatria is the Head of Processes for Defense Services at Rolls-Royce Corporation, and is an accredited Black Belt and Program Management Professional, with over 14+ years of experience.  In this role, she coaches Vice-Presidents and Directors to help them meet or exceed performance goals and objectives, and by providing their teams with a broad range of support including facilitation of workshops and events, leading lean/six sigma projects, providing lean training, and mentoring, and coaching prospective Green Belts and Black Belts.  She is on special assignment leading a major transformation of all the Defense processes, impacting the entire organization of 10k+ employees.

Aneatria is also an Owner of GreenDistrict Salads, located in Plainfield, Indiana, a franchise that offers fast, healthy food options, in a casual setting, which opened in the middle of the pandemic of 2020. She is specifically responsible for the People and Human Resource responsibilities to support business operations.

Aneatria is a wife, married for over 10+ years, to her best friend, William E. Bailey, Jr., and together, they have three beautiful children, Wise Emmanuel (9), Able Michael (6), and Faith Serenity (5). She absolutely loves her family, and they are the many reasons why she perseveres in all that she aspires to.